Despite of the fact that a regular hosting account is typically created automatically, there are still smaller setup duties which are executed personally by the hosting provider. Setting up a virtual or a dedicated server usually requires even more efforts due to the fact that a lot of time is spent to install and configure the hardware and software environment, then test the machine in order to ensure its optimal functioning prior to it being handed over to the customer. To be able to cover the amount of time spent on that, a number of suppliers have a set-up charge that you are required to pay every time you acquire your brand new web hosting plan. In some cases, that fee won't show up before you reach the payment page and you won't notice it before that on the main page near the web hosting package attributes. In the general case, this fee is one-time and it will range from a little to a significant amount of money depending on the provider.

Setup Fee in Hosting

When you get a hosting package from our company, the final price that you will have to pay through the checkout will be exactly the same as the cost you have already noticed on the home page and on any other page on our site. The payment processing and the account creation on our innovative cloud hosting platform are close to fully automated, so we consider that charging you any setup costs would be very unreasonable. Even if you acquire a couple of accounts at one time, you will not be expected to spend any money for the installation or for any other hidden costs for that matter. It is our concept that being honest with every single client from the beginning is far more beneficial than getting a few more dollars.