RAID in Hosting
All the content which you upload to your new hosting account will be placed on fast NVMe drives that operate in RAID-Z. This setup is built to work with the ZFS file system which runs on our cloud Internet hosting platform and it adds another level of security for your site content on top of the real-time checksum verification which ZFS uses to ensure the integrity of the data. With RAID-Z, the data is stored on several disks and at least one is a parity disk - whenever info is recorded on it, an extra bit is added, so if any drive fails for some reason, the integrity of the info can be verified by recalculating its bits based on what is saved on the production hard drives and on the parity one. With RAID-Z, the functioning of our system won't be interrupted and it will continue working effectively until the problematic drive is changed and the data is synchronized on it.
RAID in Semi-dedicated Servers
The NVMe drives that are used for holding any site content uploaded to the semi-dedicated server accounts which we offer function in RAID-Z. This is a specific configuration where one or more hard drives are employed for parity i.e. the system will include an extra bit to any data cloned on this type of a hard drive. If a disk fails and is substituted with a new one, what data will be copied on the latter shall be a combination calculated between the data on the remaining drives and that on the parity one. This is done to ensure that the data on the new drive shall be accurate. During the process, the RAID will continue functioning normally and the malfunctioning drive won't impact the proper operation of your Internet sites in any respect. Using NVMes in RAID-Z is an impressive addition to the ZFS file system that runs on our top-notch cloud platform with respect to preserving the integrity of your files because ZFS uses specific digital identifiers named checksums to avoid silent data corruption.