A password-protected directory or area is a folder which can be accessed when a username and a password are provided, so no unauthorized people may check out its content. This function can be used for the main folder of a particular site or only for a certain subfolder based upon your preferences. As an illustration, when you are creating a new website and you don't want people to see it prior to it being completely ready, you should restrict the access to it entirely, and if you want only some people to be able to access particular files, you are able to password-protect only a certain folder, while the other parts of the site can be seen by anyone. In either case, a “403 Forbidden” error page will appear if the login details the visitor types in are not right. Even a direct link to a file won't work if any folder above it is password-protected.

Password Protected Directories in Hosting

With the password protection tool that is included with each and every hosting package which we provide, you will be able to secure any content that you have in your account with just a few mouse clicks. Since the tool is an element of our ground breaking Hepsia Control Panel, it offers the same simple interface and you shall not require any special skills to use it. When you visit the Password Protection section, you will have to pick one of the domains or subdomains you have in the account and then decide if the protection should be activated for the primary folder or for a subfolder. Then type the username and the password that you want and you shall be all set to go. A tiny padlock symbol in the File Manager section will tell you that a certain folder is password-protected. In the same way you shall be able to include a number of usernames and passwords for the same folder if you would like several people to have their own login credentials.